COVID-19, a global health crisis, caused disruptions in supply chains. At the same time, the unprecedented demand for personal protective equipment required a rapid industrial response and production at short notice. In most European countries, government-imposed orders to wear face masks very quickly became a proven and simple way to prevent the virus spread and protect citizens.
To prepare Europe for managing pandemics, the CO-VERSATILE production line ‘Machine for FFP2 protective masks production’ focused on developing a high-capacity solution based on Demcon’s modular face masks machine. A group of partners, including Fraunhofer IML, HSSMI, SZTAKI and University of Westminster, worked with Demcon to build a solution for local European masks production. Key results of this production line included:
SZTAKI performed the cloudification of the simulation software
The cloudified version is available through the emGORA workspace
The deployment involved creating an image in Azure, registering deployment in CloudBroker, testing, creating a description, publishing, and requesting approval in the emGORA workspace
After approval, the DEMCON application is available for use by other emGORA workspace users
Production system testing performed during the machine development stage for machine certification
DEMCON internally validated the conformity of the face masks production machine with European product safety requirements
Certified in the EC Declaration of Conformity according to CE procedure